
View our range of services we offer below

What we offer

We cater primarily for the demands of the Civil Engineering and Building sectors. Our engineering professionals will provide you with the expertise required for modern day construction. Our professions have years of industry experience working for some of Ireland's top tier contractors.

Traffic Management Design

All our traffic management plans are designed by qualified LASNTG technicians with several years of industry experience.

Level 1 (i) Single Carriage Way ≤30 km/h

Level 1 (ii) Single Carriage Way ≤40 km/h

Level 1 (iii) Single Carriage Way ≤50 km/h

Level 1 (iv) Single Carriage Way ≤60 km/h & Multi-lane Dual ≤60 km/h

Level 2 (i) Single Carriage Way 80 km/h

Level 2 (ii) Single Carriage Way 100 km/h

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Lift Plans

We provide tailored lift plans to suit your needs from basis to complex lifts. All our plans are designed by qualified Appointed Person Technicians with several years of industry experience.

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Traffic Management Auditing & Inspection

All our auditors are LASNTG qualified with several years of industry experience.

Level 1 (i) Single Carriage Way ≤30 km/h

Level 1 (ii) Single Carriage Way ≤40 km/h

Level 1 (iii) Single Carriage Way ≤50 km/h

Level 1 (iv) Single Carriage Way ≤60 km/h & Multi-lane Dual ≤60 km/h

Level 2 (i) Single Carriage Way 80 km/h

Level 2 (ii) Single Carriage Way 100 km/h

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PSDP Services

Engcon can fulfil the duties of the PSDP as outlined in The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013. Duties include the following:

Identify hazards arising from the design or from the technical, organisational, planning, or time related aspects of the project:

Where possible, eliminate the hazards or reduce the risk

Communicate necessary control measures, design assumptions, or remaining risks to the PSCS so they can be dealt with in the Safety and Health Plan:

Ensure that the work of designers is co-ordinated to ensure safety:

Organise co-operation between designers:

Prepare a written safety and health plan for any project where construction will take more than 500 person days or 30 working days or there is a Particular Risk and deliver it to the client prior to tender:

Prepare a safety file for the completed structure and give it to the client:

Notify the Authority and client of non-compliance with any written directions issued

Issue directions to designers or contractors or others if necessary.

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PSCS Services

Engcon can fulfil the duties of the PSCS as outlined in The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013. Duties include:

Co-ordinate the implementation of the construction regulations by contractors:

Organise co-operation between contractors and the provision of information:

Co-ordinate the reporting of accidents to the Authority:

Notify the Authority before construction commences where construction is likely to take more than 500 person days or 30 working days:

Provide information to the site safety representative:

Co-ordinate the checking of safe working procedures:

Co-ordinate measures to restrict entry on to the site:

Co-ordinate the provision and maintenance of welfare facilities:

Co-ordinate arrangements to ensure that craft, general construction workers, and security workers have a Safety Awareness cards.

Co-ordinate the appointment of a site safety representative where there are more than 20 persons on site:

Appoint a safety adviser where there are more than 100 on site:

Provide all necessary safety file information to the PSDP:

Monitor the compliance of contractors and others and take corrective action where necessary

Notify the Authority and the client of non-compliance with any written directions issued:

Issue directions to designers or contractors as necessary:

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Bespoke Method Statements and Risk Assessments:

Our Qualified Engineers and Safety Personnel will compile bespoke Method Statements and Risk Assessments to suit your work requirements.

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Environmental Audits and Monitoring.

Our Environmental Engineers will carry out the following services on your behalf.

Watercourse monitoring

Watercourse Sampling.

Environmental Risk Assessments.

Environmental Operations Plan Drafting.

Environmental Report Drafting.

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Drafting Services

Our qualified CAD technicians will provide the drafting services:

Drafting Services for New Domestic Dwellings

Drafting Services for Building Extensions and Renovations.

As-laid Drawings

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Safety Management Service.

Examples of Safety Management services include but are not limited to the following

Manage the implementation and development of a health and safety management system such as ISO 45001

Monitor compliance with appropriate legislation and take corrective action where required to ensure a compliant and safe workplace

Review and update safety statement, EHS policies and risk assessments, as necessary.

Conduct internal audits and site inspection for both safety and environment management systems

Accident & Incident Investigation and Reporting.

Identify improvement opportunities and initiatives to progress sustainability and workplace safety agendas.

Ensure the training needs of your organisation are being met.

Ensure workplace reporting is compliant with current H&S Legislation and codes of practice.

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Do you want to work with us?


We here at Eng-Con are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about our services.

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